
Appendix C: Glossary

Item Detail
ABC Class - Item class. Generally based on sales volume. Each class can specify Order Fill Rate, Lead Times, and Orfer frequency
Unit of Measure - From host system. Does not affect calculations
Seas Ind - Seasonal Index - Determines if the forecast will be treated as seasonal or non-seasonal and which seasonal index to apply. "01" is the standard code for non-seasonal. Each customer has their unique "auto-index" code to indicate automatic seasonality.
Lot Size - The first number indicates the number of items on a pallet layer. The second number indicates the number of layers on a pallet
Lot Sens % - Indicates the percentage at which and order is rolled up to the next layer or pallet, respectively
Lead Time - The total lead time (AT+TT+ST) for the item
Order Frequency - The frequency at which the item is defined to be reviewed
Fill Rate - Order fill rate used in the safety stock calculation
Volume - (if calculated) the volume of a single item in relation to a full pallet
Unit Cost - From host system. Used in goal seeking
Weight - From host system. Used in goal seeking and auto truck build
DSA - De-Seasonalized Average - the current calculated non-seasonal run rate
MAD - Mean Average Deviation - the average relative error level in the run rate
PSP - Periods Supply - the number of period that the current supply will last (based on the average forecast)
AVG FCST - The average forecast over the current exposure period (lead time + order frequency)
Safety Stock - The additional stock calculated to insure no stock-outs. Based on exposure window, fill rate, and MAD
Basic Coverage - The total need for the exposure period based on the depletion forecast (excluding safety stock)
Net Available - On Hand + On Order - Committed - Backorder
ROT - Reorder Target - Basic Coverage + Safety Stock
Suggested Qty - ROT - Net Available
EOQ - Economic Order Quantity
Lot Size  - New qty based on Lot size/sensitivity settings
Shelf Min - Minimum Net Available quantity after order
Vendor Min - Minimum order quantity if ordered
Actual Sug Qty - Order quantity after adjustments for EOQ,Lot Size, Shelf Min, Vendor Min