
Auto Schedule

The Auto Schedule feature allows users to define a threshold at which a particular vendor/location combination will appear on the Buy Desk out of cycle.
When users set up the characteristics of a vendor, they have the ability to define specific goals for that vendor. The goals can be specified in terms of weight, volume, number of units, or total cost. In addition to the goals themselves, users can specify a trigger threshold by checking the Use Percentage box and entering a percentage value (such as 75) for the active goal.
Defining the trigger and activating the checkbox will configure the vendor for auto-scheduling. Once configured, any user who has a normal schedule line for this vendor/location combination will see the auto schedule buy in their Buy Desk when triggered.
As part of the Mars Agent process, current orders for all active vendors are calculated. When accessing the Buy Desk, the auto-schedule triggers will be analyzed against these potential orders to determine their applicability. If an order meets the trigger threshold, the corresponding Buy Desk schedule line will be activated automatically on the Buy Desk.
Auto-scheduled buy lines will be italicized and have brown text to distinguish them from buy lines in their normal cycle.
NOTE: In order for an auto-schedule to occur, the user must have the Vendor/Location combination present in their schedule.