

In order to install Mars 8, there are a few prerequisites that need to be met.
IIS  - The Mars 8 application runs on a Windows Internet Information Services (IIS) platform. This platform must be available in order to install the application.
SQL Server - The Mars 8 database is designed for the SQL Server platform. Most versions of SQL Server starting with SQL Server 2005 are supported, including SQL Server Express. SQL Server Express is a free platform. It has limitations including a 10GB data file size. Most customer databases will be far under that limit. If the customer had SQL Server licenses, the Mars 8 database can be installed on any existing SQL Server instance.
Windows - The preferred operating system for Mars 8 is Windows Server 2008 R2. This is the most common server operating system platform in enterprises worldwide. The system will run on Windows 10 desktop as well. If running on a windows desktop, it is recommended that either a Windows 10 Professional instance is dedicated to running Mars 8 (with no other usage) or no more than a single user runs the Mars application.
It is recommended that both the IIS server and the database server are co-located on the same server. This is not a requirement, but in most environments, the demands of both servers are easily met on with a single machine (8 GB RAM, 500 GB storage). Both server will require a network connection between each other and the user population.