
Server Config File

The server config file contains system configuration information that can only be modified by an admin with access to the IIS file system from which Mars is being run.
The server config file is named Config.ini and is located in the bin folder under the Mars installation. Here are the possible settings. The first five (in red) are required to start the system.
DATASOURCE=(Database Server)
DATABASENAME=(Database name)
PASSWORD=(DB Login Pasword)
MULTITENANT=FALSE  (Is this a multi-tenant installation? Will prompt for Company)
LOCATION=(Restrict locations by default true/false  - defaults to false)
SEARCHLIMIT=2000 (Item search load limit)
TRENDCALC=(Turn on trend feature by default true/false - defaults to false)
PERIODS=(calculation periods - 12 by default)
SMTP_SERVER=(email server)
SMTP_USER=(smtp login)
SMTP_PASSWORD=(smtp password)
SMTP_FROM=(system email from address)
SMTP_PORT=(smtp port)
SMTP_TLS=(use tls for email connection)
WEEKLY=(true/false - false by default)
REQBASEPATH=(base path for all reqs stage and final - blank by default)
REQSTAGEPATH=(appended to REQBASEPATH for staging - if this is populated user profiles do not control staging)
REQFINALPATH=(appended to REQBASEPATH for processed reqs - if this is populated user profiles do not control final path)
UPLOADPATH=(Path to find D10 and ASC files for Mars Agent. Also output path for MarsAgent and Recalc)
UPDATEPATH=(Destination for updates to be loaded by admin - Not used for cloud!)