
Show Filters

The grids have a built in filtering system that will allow you to view/work with only the data you care to see at any given time. Clicking "Show filter" will show the filter entry fields and will convert the "Show filter" button to "Hide filter"
Clicking the Hide filter button will hide the filter fields and remove any current filters from the grid.
Entering a value into a filter field will remove any rows from the grid view that do not contain matching text.
The filter value matches any portion of the text in any row of the column. The filter text does not need to be in the beginning of the column data.
Users can filter on multiple columns simultaneously. To clear a filter from a column, simply click on the X following the filter text.
 In most cases the filtering will not affect operations or actions triggered outside of the grid itself. The filter is mainly designed to make it easer to see subsets of the data.