
Non-Stock Items

This tab is strictly an option to select specific "X" items which are actually non-stocked items that you wish to combine with the regular replacement order. First you will have to decide the technique you wish to use in down loading non-stocked items. The preferable approach is to download only non-stocked items that you specifically want to combine into an order rather than down loading all non-stocked items each cycle.
One excellent technique for handling non-stocked items that need reordering is as follows: For this procedure we will assume that you want to order the non-stocked item if you receive a demand during the period since your last reorder. The new demand should therefore come up as a requirement in the “committed” column of the host computer. If there was no stock on hand, the net available would then be a negative quantity.
Have the download procedure select only non-stocked items that have a negative quantity in the net available field. MARS-IW is programmed to bring non-stocked items for a vendor into the order process if a negative net available figure exists, even if it is a non-stocked item. As a result of these actions, you will automatically achieve the original objective of including in the replenishment order all non-stocked items for which there was a demand in the prior period. (Note incidentally, MARS-IW will only order an amount equal to the negative net available, regardless of what the reorder target calls for.)
Another procedure to actually include a specific non-stocked item in an order is to click on the "X" item tab after making the initial selections. Then locate the item of interest using the various search options, and click on any field of that item (the line will be highlighted). Then click the right mouse button and the item will be added to the order.
When the actual reorder comes up on the order screen you will have to hit the "All Items" button to find the non-stocked item (since it will not come up for a normal reorder), and then enter the amount you want to order manually.