
Continue Order

This is the first page of the actual suggested replenishment order, complete with the suggested quantities and flags. It also has a variety of options the user can initiate. First of all, the only SKUs that initially appear on the page are the ones where the system is recommending a reorder quantity.
Going across the review pane: many of the columns are self-explanatory showing the location #, vendor #, item description, unit of measure, unit cost, and the amount being recommended for the order. The first column is a column headed with "Lock". This feature lets you lock an item so it is not impacted by the goal seeking feature. The lock will happen automatically if you use the special discount calculation. The lock can also be set by simply clicking on the item and then clicking the "Lock/Unlock" button in the lower right part of the screen. Conversely, the item can be unlocked by the same procedure.
The order review pane can be sorted by clicking on any column header. Clicking on the down arrow on the far right of any column brings up a context menu that will allow additional actions including clearing the sort and hiding the column.
There is a stacked lines menu on the far right of the review pane to allow the overall selection of visible columns. This menu can be used to show any previously hidden columns.