
Mass Convert

Mass Convert is a utility that can be used to apply changes to multiple items at once. This utility is accessed on the Tools menu.
The Mass Convert page three sections: The accumulator, the converter, and the item list.
The accumulator is used to create a list of items on which to apply the conversion. Fill in one or more of the selector fields and click on the Accumulate button to add the matching items to the item list.
Once all of the desired items are in the item list, fill in the conversion values.
Choose a conversion field and a new value. Click convert to carry out the process.
If History is chosen as the conversion field, the value will change to "Conversion Factor (%)". This is the percentage that all of the items' histories will be converted by. In order to double the items' history, put 200 in the field (200% will double the history values). In order to cut the items' history in half, put 50 in the field (50% will halve the history values).
These conversion operations are permanent. Use this utility with caution.